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AnnotatIST - Annotate ISTanbul gathering

Bogazici University
TETAM - Rasathane, Kandilli, Istanbul 
(Annotatist FAQ: directions and schedule rationale)
28 - 30 May 2015 **see schedule details**

See Annotatist_Post for a brief report. Also a list of paraticipants is here

Digitized, distributed knowledge was supposed to herald a new golden age of collaborative thinking and doing. With physical objects we have used annotations as a way to markup or embellish an existing document during collaborative sessions. And indeed with digital objects on the Web, we now have a range of tools and techniques for annotating them. Yet the most creative and engaging forms of collaboration currently come to us via centralized corporate services such as that of FaceBook or Google Docs, not via independent, interoperable and open frameworks that support collaboration specific decentralized repositories.

We propose to discuss the potential of semantic annotation tools with the creativity of real-world scenarios of making and sharing annotations, interlinking and harvesting these, and modifying, combining, and transforming pieces of knowledge to support innovative forms of collaborative thinking, making, and doing. Digitized forms such as web-based text, image, audio, video objects and subject ontologies offer unprecedented opportunities for people to work together and produce collaborative knowledge across widely different geographical locations and technical affordances.

The intention of this gathering is to bring together people who have been working on annotation frameworks and those who see the potential in annotating web documents. We will also reflect on the freedom of expression, privacy and personalization needs of these emerging modes of internet usage.We aim to model a space and a form of technological practice, in an experimental collaborative workshop. After 25 years of the Web and over a trillion web pages, it is time to embrace the annotation game and transform our collaborative tools.


  • 28 - pre event - a long afternoon of introductions and Friday schedule
People start arriving at the venue post lunch.
By 4pm we can start the event introductions.
Labor-tech (LA) connect at 7pm 
We go on till 9pm including dinner on location
  • 29 - why annotate today - talks and discussions (10am until 5pm+)
10am arrive. Start at 10:30am.
  • 30 - hack meet and follow up
10am until .. Saturday schedule to be worked on Friday

Generally: The idea of social semantic web and how annotations can address the needs of the emerging internet users such as low-literate, storytelling and content curation.

Technically: Interoperable, federated and contextual annotations, and annotation containers

Tele participation: Some people who were not able to attend asked about remote participation. We tried out which uses WebRTC and the performance was not half bad. We are going to try it. If you are interested, please do try it out to check that your browser is compatible.

Recent Annotation Meets: [ iAnnotate] and [ Hybrid Publishing 2015]

Links of interest

Annotation Use Case

Alternatif Bilisim

Web Annotation Working Group


(more to come)

Short url for this doc: