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aLipi -- God's own content

lipi means alphabet, letter, writing or script in Sanskrit, and in most Indian languages. "a" as a prefix is used as a negation in Indian languages.

So alipi as a word means without-alphabet or text/print-impaired.

In developing countries like India, in addition to the visually handicapped there is another significant segment of the population, namely the insufficiently literate, who are also a large target community for provisioning screen reading of content. This segment would, however, benefit from a visually rich rendition of a site while "reading out" the content. "Alipi - god's own content" an investigation into creating and managing locally relevant accessible content for communities.

Towards this is - "re-narration Web". It is a generic Web-framework for developing and rendering narratives that assist in accessing Web-content across cultural boundaries. Re-narration Web is therefore about Web-accessibility for digital Inclusion or e-inclusion.

alipi / research and development is open source, and is seeking developers, narrators, designers and Internet interest groups to help with development, demonstration and formalization so that an effective consolidation of architecture, processes and recommendations can evolve over the next couple of years.

Currently we have two mailing lists:

alipi-dev @ for developers

alipi-users @ for users

We also are live on #alipi at

Current code-base, development status at git-hub

Documents at this page

Project ideas are on and GSoC ideas page is at or Alipi Ideas google doc