Main Page
Revision as of 07:19, 12 September 2013 by (talk)
This wiki is a space for communications and reflections regarding technology and society.
We look forward to your edits, however due to spam we do ask you to register.
Some popular/suggested categories/entry-pages:
Open_Source_as_Infrastructure (Category: OSasInfrastructure)
Alipi - Renarration Web Category: Alipi
Indian Digital Heritage Category: IDH
Prof. Chaluvaraju's Hampi Category: GKCraju
Research and Pedagogy Resources:
Also maybe of interest:
Practitioner poster Jan 11 and 12, 2013: DEV2013 participation.
a Past event: TGC 2011 on March 18,19 2011; Bangalore
Janastu homepage:
Note: TechnoScience wiki was earlier known as Technology Governance and Citizenship discussion forum.
Also see Category: Events