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Mapbox has provided these maps of the area in Kannada and in English

Google directions: Devarayanadurga from Bangalore - Choose the one via Katsandra to be longer on the highway and then soon after in the forest; choose the one via Urdigere to be off the highway sooner at Dabaspet and get on to a new road but with spots of construction work.

Long text version:

Your destination is the government Yatri Nivas at Devarayana Durga yatrinivas is 500 ft to the east of at lat,lon=13.3722658,77.2071685 and about 600 by feet behind the Bhoga Narasimha Swamy temple on the cliff. The terraces of AntHillHacks (Anterras) are to the south of the building on the cliff.

This is about 15min drive from Tumkur or about 25 min drive from Dobbespet.

Aside: For those who may want to find the AntFarm at the foothill to the west of the hill.

You can look up this, named as Janastu Basecamp on wikimapia

Directions to the AntFarm at HaLe Kote, Durgada Halli

Farm directions via siddaganga mutt (which is just 3km before Tumkur)

To go to farm: After toll, [right] at katsandra: turn right towards Siddaganga mutt. Then go abt 3 km to devrayanadurga forest road. [right] Turn right. About 3 more km Then go left to wards Namadachilume. [left] Go about And 3 more km [left] go left again towards durgada halli (comes 1km after namada chilume). [right] 1km after you turn left you will see janastu sign. Take right and go straight towards the hill (fence on your right). [stop] Ask for renu or arjun. You will see a red tile house.

When near Durgada Halli you can ask by name.

You can also look up this, named as Janastu Basecamp on wikimapia

If you dont have a bsnl phone, you are likely NOT to have cell signal. So please ask for 0. Tumkur 1. "Devarayana Durga", 2: Durgada Halli; 3: HaLe Kote/Renu