Revision as of 16:53, 9 July 2011 by (talk)
ಕಾನುನಿನ ನೆಡೆ ನುಡಿ / Speech Act on the Move
Speech act on the move is a project that helps people understands document of Law, Policies and Acts relevant to them, even if they are semi-literate or illiterate because these get delivered on their mobiles.
The delivery of domestic workers rights directly to the domestic workers through re-narrations of the act is done hand-in-hand with the development of a web-framework that generalizes this need for potentially all Internet-content. This project extends the traditional process of translation activity to a re-narration activity by group who is associated with the target community. It helps users to convey messages in different way for people of different societies, regions and people with different understanding capacity.