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From Technoscience Janastu Wiki
Revision as of 07:49, 9 September 2015 by Shalini (talk | contribs)
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This wiki is a space for communications and reflections regarding technology and society.

We look forward to your edits, however due to spam we do ask you to introduce yourself so we can to register you (jsadmin at janastu dot org).

şey hakkında her şey Annotatist

Some popular/suggested categories/entry-pages:

Research and Pedagogy Resources: Pedagogy

Also maybe of interest:

Practitioner poster Jan 11 and 12, 2013: DEV2013 participation.

a Past event: TGC 2011 on March 18,19 2011; Bangalore

Janastu homepage:

Note: TechnoScience wiki was earlier known as Technology Governance and Citizenship discussion forum.

Also see Category: Events