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Mural Annotations of Lepakshi temple

Drupadi Swayamvada

Annotation of panel-a1.jpg


Draupadi Swayamvara, Arjuna, Krishna and Pandavas depicted

  1. Marked on mural as a : Krishna
  2. Marked on mural as b : (Still under research)
  3. Marked on mural as c : Five pandavas
  4. Marked on mural as d : (Still under research)

Viranna and Virupanna Worshippers

Lepakshi panel-a2a.jpg



Vijayanagara Courtiers (A) in Darbar style dress getting ready to worship Veerabhadra and Bhadrakali

a . Bodily Decorum

Marked as a1, a2, a3 on the Mural

  1. Folded arms modesty
  2. Anjali Mudra for respect/worship
  3. Raised arms excitement hailing

b . Islamicate culture of Vijayangara court. Ex: Dress - Kabayi, Persian word.

Marked as b1, b2, b3, b4 on the Mural

  1. Verthema, Bolognese traveler says white kabayi worn by rich whereas poor nearly naked
  2. Kabayi length indicates status of courtier
  3. Kultayi- Conical cap
  4. Arabesque floral pattern on Kultayi

c . Textiles: Type, Material, Pattern, Motif etc.,

Marked as c1, c2, c*, c♦ on the Mural

  1. Cotton, Silk or brocade (Portuguese contempt and Persian Traveler accounts).
    1. Arabian Persian or Trade Fabric : Velvet/damask/satin.
  2. Cotton or Silk fine local textiles of resist dye technique
    1. * Telia Rumal ikat from chirala, AndraPradesh area
    2. ♦ Arabesque floral pattern on Kullayi kalamkari. Merging of the floral lata with Islamic ornament + brocade

Krishna on pipalleaf Worshippers

Annotation of panel-a2b.jpg


  1. Marked on mural as a : Krishna on Peepal Leaf being worshipped

Marriage of Shiva and Parvathi

Marriage of Shiva and Parvathi. Both are listening to music in pavilion - Girija Kalyana (PanelA3-Right)

Hand made as reference: Mural Girija Kalyana right annotated GirijaKalyana-hand(A3-Right)

Annotated Mural of Girija Kalyana(PanelA3-Right) GirijaKalyana-comp(A3-Right)


  1. Marked on mural as a : Vijayanagara Style Gopuram
  2. Marked on mural as b : Monkey-faced marriage guest? being blessed by Shiva
  3. Marked on mural as c : Nandi
  4. Marked on mural as d : Shiva blessing marriage guests
  5. Marked on mural as e : Shiva’s Tiger Skin
  6. Marked on mural as f : Parvathi
  7. Marked on mural as g : Banana Plant Stem on the right side of Kalyana Mandapa.
  8. Marked on mural as h : 3-headed Brhspati officiating the marriage (in seated position)
  9. Marked on mural as i : Yama
  10. Marked on mural as j : Floral border(Top)
  11. Marked on mural as k : Astadikpalas lower garments, textiles and patterns vary
  12. Marked on mural as l : Floral Border(Bottom)
  13. Marked on mural as m : Astadikpalas – guardians of 8 directions,Kubera (N), Yama (S), Indira (W), Varuna(E), Isana(NE), Agni (SE), Vayu(NW), Nirti/Rakshasha (SW) Attend the marriage ceremony.

Marriage of Shiva and Parvathi. Both are listening to music in pavilion - Girija Kalyana (PanelA3-Middle)

Hand made as reference: Mural Girija Kalyana right annotated GirijaKalyana(A3-Middle)


  1. Marked on mural as a : Bearded male attending the marriage of shiva and parvathi
  2. Marked on mural as b : Japanese and Chinese influence head of male on left
  3. Marked on mural as c : Damaged area of girija kalyana mural
  4. Marked on mural as d : Brahma
  5. Marked on mural as e : Vishnu face is turned towards shiva and parvathi
  6. Marked on mural as f : This women differs from others
  7. Marked on mural as g : Elaborate hair style with flowers and jewelry
  8. Marked on mural as h :young girl
  9. Marked on mural as i : Family being blessed by shiva
  10. Marked on mural as j : Kalyana Mandapa(left side)
  11. Marked on mural as k :Bare footed with anklets
  12. Marked on mural as l : Three bejewelled women with draping styles- No blouses


Annotation of panel-a4north-KIRATA ARJUNEYAM.jpg

panel-a4north-KIRATA ARJUNEYAM.jpg

Arjuna penance, Shiva bless Arjuna

  1. Marked on mural as a : Arjuna in Penance
  2. Marked on mural as b : Arjuna bowing down to Shiva
  3. Marked on mural as c : Shiva blessing Arjuna

Reception of passup

Panel-a4.jpg(Reception of pasup)

  1. (Still under research)

Shiva promises to Arjuna

Annotation of panel-a4.jpg'


  1. Marked on mural as a : (Still under research)
  2. Marked on mural as b : Daemon in the form of Boar
  3. Marked on mural as c : (Still under research)
  4. Marked on mural as d : Shiva and Parvati in the form of Hunters known as Kirataka(hunter).
  5. Marked on mural as e : Boar
  6. Marked on mural as f : Shiva and Parvati in the form of Hunters
  7. Marked on mural as g : (Still under research)
  8. Marked on mural as h : (Still under research)
  9. Marked on mural as i : Shiva and Parvati on Nandi
  10. Marked on mural as j : Two Dwarfs
  11. Marked on mural as k : Brahma
  12. Marked on mural as l : Hayagriva
  13. Marked on mural as m : Indra
  14. Marked on mural as n : Brahman
  15. Marked on mural as o : Parvati and attendant
  16. Marked on mural as p : God Shiva
  17. Marked on mural as q : (Still under research)

Gods Attending Shiva's marriage,Two dwarf attendants are receiving other gods, Brahma, Hayagreeva, Indra , Brahman, shiva, Brahmin/priest wearing the peculiar turban occurs in this Lepakshi mural. Behind the Brahmin is God Indra, dressed in fine costume loaded with jewelry. Hayagriva of the horse face is slightly timid and held back by a flicker of fear. Brahma, as a father figure with three head is standing behind Hayagriva. Two dwarfs attendants are eagerly receiving the other gods who are arriving the wedding of God Shiva. They are in tense stance infused in this painting showing recognition of the important event.

Lotus of heaven

  1. (still under research)


Annotation of panel-a7-Bhookailasa-web4mb.jpg


(Followed by Male Companion) Ravana, Parvati(Drapery), Shiva in Raudra avatar(anger in the face expecting Ravana), Hayagreeva.

  1. Marked on mural as a : Male Companions
  2. Marked on mural as b : Ravana
  3. Marked on mural as c : Lady attendants
  4. Marked on mural as d : Parvati
  5. Marked on mural as e : Shiva
  6. Marked on mural as f : Hayagriva

God Shiva in dynamic action with anger is expecting the arrival of Ravana. Ravana is followed by male companion. Parvati is on Shiva's right with a lady attendant. Brushwork recreates Rudra or fierce mood of Shiva. The color contrasts with pastel shades and monochrome of male attendant with decorative draperies of Parvati with her companion.


Annotation of panel-A8.jpg


This mural depicts Rama holding bow. Other images are still under research

  1. Marked on mural as a : (Still under research)
  2. Marked on mural as b : (Still under research)
  3. Marked on mural as c : Rama

Rama and sita in court

Annotation of panel-a9.jpg


This panel depicts Ramayana scene where Hanuman(d) is singing to Rama(c) and Sita(b), Vanaras(a) are standing behind.

  1. Marked on mural as a : Vanaras
  2. Marked on mural as b : Sita
  3. Marked on mural as c : Rama
  4. Marked on mural as d : Hanuman

Shiva grants his life to calf and son

Annotation of panel-a10-Manuneethi.jpg


  1. (Still under research)