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(Grant in progress; outcome pending)


Andrés Jurado

Andrés Jurado is a Visual Artist and Curator. He is currently a Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Colombia. He holds a Masters in Visual Arts from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and his studies include an undergraduate degree from the Universidad de Caldas in Manizales, Colombia and a specialitation in Art and New Technologies at Colombia's School of Film and TV at The Universidad Nacional in Bogotá. He has worked as a curator and museographer for the National Museum of Colombia, and has collaborated on films as an art director and cinematographer. He is currently working on a variety of experimental projects about the figure of The Animal in contemporary and media arts. His work has been shown in Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Europe in various exhibitions and festivals such as EMAF, European Media Arts Film Festival in Germany in 2010, Experimenta Colombia, Artronica, Asimtría (Peru), Internacional Festival Cervantes (Mexico), Hexadic 6x6 (Greece), Magmart (Italy), Cologne Off, among others.

Tania Pérez-Bustos

Tania Pérez Bustos is a professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. She is also independently affiliated with feminist research groups at the School of Gender Studies at the National University of Colombia. She has also worked as a consultant for research projects carried out with the support of institutions such as the Colciencias Colombian Observatory of Science and Technology. Her publications and research are related to popular movements around science and technology, and feminist practices related to science and technology. She addresses these issues in a variety of contexts, including: science museums, free software communities in Colombia and India, the media, victims of violence in Colombia, and racial and sexual minorities. She is interested in how these contexts are traversed by an ethos of care and certain "technologies of contact.” Her ethnographic fieldwork has developed in Global South countries, mainly India and Colombia, but also through collaborative networks with universities and activists in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Germany and the UK.


Nishant Shah

Nishant Shah is Director of the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, and a well known public intellectual, writer, and scholar of STS and the digital humanities.